

Hey Hey its Morning Tea on a Monday!
Although Clementine is at Bush Kinder for the morning we have been doing a lot of baking in the afternoon, that is after she has showered and washed off the mud that goes with Bush Kinder play! It is such a great program, one I highly recommend. So after lunch and a bit of quiet time Clémentine and I flip thru recipe books, google the ingredients we have on hand, (although the requests are usually the same: a rainbow cake, cupcakes with rainbow frosting, something with sprinkles or chocolate chips in it) so we negotiate and end up with a huge baking to do list.
In kid land I have noticed the time for a cake to cool before it can be frosted is an ETERNITY.....that's when its always best to go with muffins whenever you can. Because muffins eaten warm are the best thing ever, well second best in kid land I suppose, first would be licking the bowl and spatula.

Muffins are such a versatile baked good, they can be eaten for breakfast, morning tea (of course!), lunch boxes are a given and park time treats. Never underestimate the giving powers of a muffin, they may not have bright purple frosting covered in sprinkles on them but unlike the cupcake where the frosting is usually eaten first and the stumpy cake is left exposed and rejected. The muffin is most often completely eaten.

I have found that oat flour is a great substitute for wheat based flours. Sometimes I do a mix of Oat and a G.F store bought flour to lighten things up,. The fruit in these muffins can be swapped for any other berry. I usually store half of these muffins in the freezer for lunch boxes and the rest are eaten over the next couple of days. They keep well, due to the banana and the coconut yogurt locking in the moisture so you won't be eating a dry muffin the next day that's for sure!

Blueberry Banana Coconut Yogurt Muffins

Notes: I used patty pan sized liners so the mixture made about 18 muffins, but if you use muffin liners you should get 12 muffins. I just find for small children this size is best and there is less wastage, is: a half eaten muffin given to you at the park. If making the larger size the muffins will probably done around 25-28 mins as the mixture is quite full of fruit and with the amount of bicarb these muffins tend to deflate a bit when the are cooling so they do need to be cooked thru to hold up.

2 ripe bananas
1/2 cup coconut oil (melted and set aside to cool) or olive oil
1/2 cup honey
2 eggs
1/2 cup coconut yogurt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon bicarb soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup oat flour
1/2 cup G.F flour mix
1 1/4 cup blueberries, fresh or frozen

Pre heat oven to 180C degrees
Line a 12 hole muffin pan with paper liners.
In a large mixing bowl mash the peeled bananas
Add oil, honey, eggs, yogurt, vanilla and mix to combine well
Sprinkle in cinnamon, baking powder, bicarb and salt and mix through
Add in flours and stir to just combined, do not over mix its ok to have streaks of flour
Fold in blueberries
Scoop the mixture into the liners about half to two thirds full
Bake for 20-25 minutes, until a toothpick inserted in centre of muffin comes out clean and when gently pressed on top it springs back.
Cool in trays for 10 mins before placing them on cooling rack or devouring them warm!